
Phytosemiotics is the study of the language of non-animal beings. In an excellent article from 2000 professor Kalevi Kull from University of Tartu (Estonia) explains the biosemiotic background of recent developments in the field. Abstract: “Asking, whether plants have semiosis, the article gives a review of the works on phytosemiotics, referring to the tradition in […]

The Call of a Stinging Nettle

According to swedish Artist Christine Ödlund, when a plant reacts to a butterfly larvae feeding on its leaves, it releases chemical substances, or compounds. In collaboration with the Ecological Chemistry Research Group at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, the characteristics of these compounds are here analyzed, transposed into amplitude and intensity of sinus tones and recorded […]

Icaro: Music as Conversation Between Plants and People

Implicit in the relationships between human and other-than-human which characterize animistic cosmologies is the mediation of these relationships through various forms of communication. Theresa Miller (2012) has found that among the Canela of Brazil, all people can speak to plants, but only shamans can understand what the plants say to them. In a recent research […]