Animals Speak Color

The poisonous dart frogs use conspicuous color to tell predators that they are not good to eat. Similarly, a venomous coral snake sports rings of bright color to advertise that it isn’t to be messed with—by a bird considering it for lunch, for instance—while a milk snake, which isn’t poisonous and could be taken quite […]

Chemical Oceanese

Chemical signals are the primary language used by ocean organisms, writes Cheryln Dybas at NFS. Using a kind of extra-sensory perception (ESP) of the deep, marine animals and plants react to other species and to their environment based on these cues. Humans are poorly designed to understand such chemically-driven interactions “because we sense the world primarily via visual […]

The Voices of Fish

Fish communicate with sound, movement and electric waves. Their semantic sensory perception is extraordinary and complex. It takes some good amount of imagination to understand it. The lateral line is the main sensory organ of fish. This organ not only captures sounds, it can also sense tremors and currents. This line system, which detects gentle […]

The Voice of Color

The totemic image for the future is the octopus. This is because the squids and octopi have perfected a form of communication that is both psychedelic and telepathic; a model for the human communications of the future. Cuttlefish, like squid, octopuses and nautiluses, are marine animals belonging to the Cephalopoda class. Studies indicate that cuttlefish […]